Leading Birthing Pool Specialists – Edel Immersys

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How Does COVID-19 Affect Waterbirth?

On 29th April, Oxford Brookes University in the UK published a piece titled “Coronavirus COVID-19: Supporting healthy pregnant women to safely give birth” that addresses the questions of birth setting and risks for water immersion in labor. The authors conclude that “Water immersion for labour and/or birth should be supported and encouraged as an effective method of analgesia.”  This is a timely…

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Edel Immersys Trip To ACNM 2018

We have always made time in our product development process to engage with midwives and in May we were fortunate to visit the beautiful city of Savannah GA, to attend the 63rd Annual General Meeting and Exhibition of ACNM.  From the 20th – 24th May we had a booth where we were exhibiting our current FP3 Labour & Birth Pool…

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What You Need To Know About Having A Water Birth In A Hospital Or Birth Center

https://youtu.be/yMUEnd0cP-Q Watch/Listen To The Video Version Of This Article Wade your way into the water. A 2020 study of more than 26,000 women found that participants in water births reported fewer complications than those who did land births. Yet many people aren’t ready to have a water birth in a hospital. They don’t know what it is like or how it functions.…

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Water Births During A Dynamic Changing Picture

https://youtu.be/rJwQOfbB5F8 Watch/Listen To The Video Version Of This Article Role Of Midwives During COVID 19 And Waterbirths During these changing and challenging times I have spent the last few months sharing information about the use of water for labour and birth. I have written widely, undertaken interviews and started Zoom sessions to provide colleagues with up to date and robust…

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Water Birth Positions For Birthing Pools – Studies Of Using Water In Labour

https://youtu.be/kdgUlGmNXUA Watch/Listen To The Video Version Of This Article There has been many studies and much research undertaken into the benefits of using water for labour and birth, similarly there has been articles written on the benefits of a water birth, using water in labour and how it can help women with pain relief.  More research is needed and being undertaken. One…

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Concerns About Emergency Evacuate Of A Mother From A Birthing Pool

https://youtu.be/AxxI9Q_O_S0 Watch/Listen To The Video Version Of This Article As a practicing midwife for over 36 years (33 years as a waterbirth champion), I totally understand colleagues concerns about emergency evacuation from a fixed birthing pool either in a birth centre or hospital. Firstly, may I stress this is an incredibly unusual occurrence, and although I teach a skill drill…

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Water Birth Around The World Water Birth History

https://youtu.be/EnLknPd_oxw Watch/Listen To The Video Version Of This Article Waterbirth has a long history spanning more than 200 years in written record. The earliest record of a waterbirth in the western world was in France in 1803 when a woman, after 48 hours of labor, was encouraged to enter a bath by her physician (Gondinet, 1804). Fifteen minutes after immersion,…

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Water Birth Positions For Birthing Pools – Studies Of Water In Labour

https://youtu.be/kdgUlGmNXUA Watch/Listen To The Video Version Of This Article There has been many studies and much research undertaken into the benefits of using water for labour and birth, similarly there has been articles written on the benefits of a water birth, using water in labour and how it can help women with pain relief.  More research is needed and being undertaken. One…

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Labor And Birth Pools: The Space Considerations

https://youtu.be/xvE-hIqDKYA Watch/Listen To The Video Version Of This Article Planning to put a labor and birth pool into a birth center or hospital takes some upfront consideration.  Careful planning initially will pay off in the long run.  By getting it right first time, you will have facilities that support good and safe practice for women and their babies, as well…

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Considerations for new build hospitals with hydrotherapy labor or birthing pools

https://youtu.be/T0CF8kytGLQ Watch/Listen To The Video Version Of This Article A labor and birth pool is an excellent addition to the L&D (labor and delivery) room for new build hospitals. Hydrotherapy is growing in popularity as an option for labour pain relief, so having a pool gives hospitals a competitive edge, appealing to women looking for safety, comfort and choice when…

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